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4th Grader Denver Wins Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest

4th Grader Denver Wins Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay Contest
Kendall College & Career Academy

We are incredibly proud of our 4th grader, Denver Smalls, for being named a winner in Senator Chris Murphy's ninth annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Essay Contest!

Congratulations, Denver! Your essay beautifully reflects Dr. King’s legacy, reminding us all to dream big, be courageous, and stand up for what is right. Your words and message are an inspiration to our entire Kendall community.

Keep inspiring us all!

Read Denver's essay below.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream that one day everyone would be treated equally, no matter what their skin color is. He believed that kindness, fairness, and love could change the world. When I think about Dr. King's dream, I feel inspired because he worked so hard to make life better for everyone.

His dream reminds me of my own goals. I want to be a leader like Dr. King and help people in my school and community. One of my dreams is to make sure everyone feels included and accepted. Sometimes kids can feel left out, but I want to make sure we all play together and treat each other respectfully and fairly. I also dream of being a writer one day, telling stories that teach people about kindness and courage, just like Dr. King taught us.

Dr. King means a lot to me because he showed us how powerful words and actions can be. He did not use violence to fight for what was right; instead, he used speeches, marches, and peaceful protests. Learning more and more about him reminds me to be brave and stand up for what I believe in.

Dr. King's dream is not just history, it's something we can all work toward every day.